Song of Songs 6
- 6:1--One result of her praising the goodness of her Love (5:10-16) is that the women now want to seek Him too! Being in love with Jesus and sharing His goodness is the heart of evangelism.
- 6:2--Another result, the main result, of her meditating and declaring Jesus’ goodness is that she finds Him! When she turns from focusing on herself and focuses on Him, she receives a revelation of where He is.
- All of the garden imagery is in reference to her; she is the garden (4:12). She finds Him in herself; He is indeed in her. The sense of His presence may have left as she was working through His call from 5:2, but He never did leave her. He promises to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
- All of the garden imagery is in reference to her; she is the garden (4:12). She finds Him in herself; He is indeed in her. The sense of His presence may have left as she was working through His call from 5:2, but He never did leave her. He promises to never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
- 6:3--This exclamation is similar to the one from 2:16. However, the difference is key! Whereas the first time she said this the first phrase was “My love is mine,” now she knows that first she is his. This reveals that she stopped finding security in their relationship through her holding onto Him. She lives in the truth that He first loves her and He first holds her (1 John 4:19; Phil 3:12). She also knows He is the center, that she exists for Him and it is out of this that she receives Him too.
- 6:4-10--Another section where He praises her; it’s rich for asking Him where else the images appear in the rest of Scripture to interpret their meaning.
- v10--The same word for dawn is used in 2:17 & 4:6. Now there are no more barriers! This is a huge victory! The Lord has brought her to a broad place in her journey with Him (Ps 18:19). There has been such growth in maturity and sanctification.
- Prov 4:18 tells us that the path of the righteous is like the light of the dawn. She is righteous!!
- She reflects the Lord’s light like the moon reflects the sun.
- Banners indicate victory; she carries many banners because the Lord has given her many victories! He Himself is our victory and banner (Ps 20:5; Is 11:10).
- She reflects His glory so much more; He brought her from glory to glory to glory (2 Cor 3:18).
- Prov 4:18 tells us that the path of the righteous is like the light of the dawn. She is righteous!!
- v10--The same word for dawn is used in 2:17 & 4:6. Now there are no more barriers! This is a huge victory! The Lord has brought her to a broad place in her journey with Him (Ps 18:19). There has been such growth in maturity and sanctification.
- 6:11-13--The way the Lord spoke to me through these verses comes from 1 Corinthians 4:1-5. He is in the middle of praising her, she goes down by herself to check if she’s bearing fruit, and then the Lord whisks her away to be with Him so He can praise her more. We are not called to be the judge of ourselves. We are not justified or condemned by our own judgement, but only by His. When we can’t receive His praise because we’re too worried about judging our own fruit, He will whisk us away. May we surrender and be humble to receive His love. It is an act of faith to trust His affirmation even when you see flaws still left. He knows what He’s doing and He is the Gardener/Owner of our souls.
- 6:11--Note the word “I”
- 6:12--The chariot with the nobleman reminds me of Solomon in 3:9
- 6:13--She is called “Shulammite” which is the feminine name of Solomon. She is transformed so much into His image she is called His name! It also means peaceable one.
- The dance of her and her Love parallels Jacob wrestling with God. The word dance of two “camps” is the word “Mahanaim” which is the place in Gen 32:2 where God’s angels met Jacob; this chapter ends with Jacob wrestling with God.
- Cry out like Jacob for the Lord to bless you. He will need to humble you and break you and make you beautiful in His image in order to bless you. Will you submit to this because of your desire to know Him face to face like Jacob?
- Cry out like Jacob for the Lord to bless you. He will need to humble you and break you and make you beautiful in His image in order to bless you. Will you submit to this because of your desire to know Him face to face like Jacob?
- The dance of her and her Love parallels Jacob wrestling with God. The word dance of two “camps” is the word “Mahanaim” which is the place in Gen 32:2 where God’s angels met Jacob; this chapter ends with Jacob wrestling with God.
- 6:11--Note the word “I”