He continues to praise her after He has whisked her away (6:12-13).
We highlighted v 1 & 9 of this section of praise:
- V1: Her feet are beautiful. He calls her princess—she’s His daughter!! Her sandals were given to her by her Redeemer (Ezekiel 16:10). Everything she does is out of this identity. In the way she works (her feet are beautiful because they bring the good news, Is 52:7, Ro 10:15), it’s an overflow of her daughtership.
- V9: The beauty of this verse is that it’s split between Jesus and the Bride. She finishes His sentence! The sentence is about the love she gives to Him. He’s affirming her and she says, “yes I have this wine flowing FOR YOU!” How beautiful that she knows what He loves about her; she can faithfully & joyfully give these things to Him. What does God see as special in you? What does He love receiving from you? You are a priest to Him, living to pour out the treasures of your heart in worship. Do you know what these treasures are so that you can give them in confidence & joy, knowing they are His delight?
- Also note that in 1:2 she is concerned with receiving His kisses. This is good but not the highest. Now she is concerned with giving Him kisses!
- Also note that in 1:2 she is concerned with receiving His kisses. This is good but not the highest. Now she is concerned with giving Him kisses!
- V10: This is the third instance of this exclamation! In 6:3 we covered how she matured from 2:16. Now in this verse she matures even more. She does not mention “He is mine,” but instead rejoices that His desire is for her. She knows how much He loves her and wants her. This is a sign of maturity. The more we know His love for us, the more love we can pour back to Him (1 Jn 4:19).
- V12: In contrast to 6:11, they go together this time. She is not inspecting the fruit of anxiety and fear of not pleasing Him but knows that she pleases Him. All she wants is to “give Him her caresses.” When we seek to be pleasing to God for the sake of our own conscience, we are not operating out of completely pure motives. An example of this is repenting to free yourself of guilt. Rather, we seek the Lord and repent, etc. for HIS NAME sake and His glory. Here she is operating out of love for Him, not love of herself or being afraid of Him.
- V13: Here, like in v9, she knows the treasures of her soul that please Him. She has “delicacies,” which I equate to the gold, silver and precious stones from 1 Cor 3:11-13. The “new and old” remind me of Matt 13:52–she knows the Word, both from the Old Covenant and the New. She knows the Word in such a way where it has become part of her, just like how Jesus is the Word made flesh. All of these nuggets of the Word (old & new) are for the sake of knowing Christ and giving these parts of His glory, in her, back to Him.